Red Thai Curry Spiced Beef Ribs


It’s got very cold, so the slow cooker is on overdrive. No soggy brown stews here, I need stickiness and spice. Beef ribs are something you never see in supermarkets so you need to visit a butcher. I hit the market on Friday morning, a very welcome day off and these sat in the cooker from lunchtime to the evening.

I get the ribs cut into three it’s easier to serve portions, the meat after slow cooking is super-tender and they have a layer of fat that makes amazing sweet gravy.

You could serve this with some rice but I like the contrast of some crunchy shredded raw savoy cabbage (in season now) dressed with a little rice wine vinegar.

Red Thai Spiced Beef Short Ribs

Red Thai Curry Spiced Beef Ribs

Enough for 4 hungry people

3 beef ribs cut into three
3 large handfuls of chestnut mushrooms
3 tbsp of dried coconut powder or coconut cream.
2 tbsp of soy sauce

Red Thai Curry Paste

2 tsp cumin
2 tsp coriander seeds
4 red bird’s eye chillies,
1 tbsp paprika
3 tbsp of lemongrass stalks
4cm piece ginger, chopped
zest of 1 lime
1 large onion chopped
5 garlic cloves, chopped
Handful of coriander stalks
2 tbsp each fish sauce

1.Process together the ingredients for the paste
2.Add the paste and the ribs to the slow cooker, no need to sear.
3.Leave in low for 6 hours.
4. An hour before the 6 hours is up, add the mushrooms , coconut powder and a dash of soy.

If you don’t have a slow cooker then 150deg in the oven for 3 hours should do it but you may need to a add a dash of water.

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