Rhubarb and Ginger Golden Meringue

Rhubarb and Ginger Golden Meringue

Meringues ,the twitter feed were buzzing with them over the last few weeks and I was inspired by

Cobnut Meringues from Dinner Diary

Spiced Winter Pavlova from Mostly Eating

So in  a quiet moment I tried my hand , but we didn’t have any white caster sugar only golden , not sure where it came from but we don’t buy a lot of non-brown sugar. However  we haven’t had room for pudding until this weekend when happily exahusted from walking and I think we deserved some sugar , my mum does a great mango and ginger pavola but mangos aren’t very seasonal so that will have to wait til the summer. However I had both rhubarb and ginger left over from Rhubarb and Ginger cake ,

Though cream would have been nice we never really buy any , but have plenty of low fat greek yogurt from my commuter breakfasts. A small pot of greek yogurt ( 100ml)  mixed with a few teaspoons of stem ginger syrup worked really nicely against the sweetness of the meringue .

Even though this was throw together but the colour combination was luridly lovely and zingly tasty . Next time pavlova.

Rhubarb and Ginger Golden Meringue

Golden Meringue

Makes 6 meringues

175g golden caster sugar
 3  egg whites
1/2 tsp of vanilla extra

  1. Preheat the oven to 140°C
  2. Line a baking sheet with greaseproof paper
  3. Whisk the egg whites to soft peaks while whisking, slowly add the caster sugar – 1 tablespoon at a time
  4. Whisk in the vanilla extract until combined.
  5. Place a heaped tablepoon of mixture onto the greaseproof paper to form eacg merigue
  6. Bake for 1 hour turn off the oven and leave to cool in the oven overnight

Poached Vanilla Rhubarb

100g of forced rhubarb
1 vannilla pod
1 ball of stem ginger finely minced
3 tbsp of golden caster sugar
40ml of water

  1. Chop the rhubarb into 1 cm cubes
  2. Slice the vannilla pod in half
  3. Heat the water to a gentle simmer add the vanilla pod
  4. Add the rhubarb , ginger and simmer for 10 minutes until the rhubarb is  softened
  5. Add the sugar .

This is delicious on its own with a little yogurt or with some lovely vanilla ice cream



  1. Rhubarb is such a great ingredient. Forced rhubarb is delicate and delicious and very different from the more bitter stems that you’ll find in the many neglected corners of British allotments and gardens in a couple of month’s time.

    I live in the heart of the ‘rhubarb triangle’ between Leeds, Bradford and Wakefield, where much of the country’s forced rhubarb comes from. Stems are grown in darkened sheds and picked by candlelight so as not to disturb the plants. Years ago, special trains used to whisk it off to the Big Smoke to be sold at Spitallfields or Covent Garden. The season is brief, and happening right now, so get some great rhubarb while you still can.

    Great way to serve it too. I’ll be trying that.

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