Courgette , Asparagus and Wild Garlic Pasta Salad

Wild Garlic,  Courgette and Asparagus Salad

This morning at the train station a more than slight embarassment when a tonne of smelly wild garlic unleashed a viscious smell at the ticket counter . The garlic was leftover from the weekend forays, though I had managed to put some the delicious salad above , the rest I am afraid is now mouldering in a Network Rail dustbin . The garlic was picked around Ubley over the weekend while the
asparagus and courgette the first signs of summer in the vegebox.

Garlic Paths

This salad is a lovely accompaniment for chicken of fish or crumble over some goats cheese to add something extra special .

Courgette , Asparagus and Wild Garlic Pasta Salad

100g of dried pasta – any shape you fancy
1 courgette – made into fine ribbons with a vegetable peeler
6 sticks of asparagus
Handful of wild garlic


2 tbsp of white wine vinegar
Half a lemon – juice and zest
1tbsp of dion mustard
2 tbsp of honey


Cooked the pasta until al dente , drain
Steam the asparagus for a few minutes and cut into matchstick lengths
mix together the pasta and aspargus with the ribbons of courgette and garlic leaves
Whisk together the dressing ingredients and dress
Leave for at least 2 hours refridgerated to allow the flavours to mix

Other Wild Garlic Recipes
Wild Garlic Butter on Asparagus
Wild Garlic and Wild Watercress


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