Pork Chops with St Georges Mushrooms

Pork Chops with St Georges Mushroom

St Georges Mushrooms are moving up  there with porcini and ceps since Jamie Oliver  served them the the G20 World Leaders.However I have never managed to find a lot  St Georges Mushrooms before , just about the  the only common mushroom I haven’t found  and cooked with

Pork Chops

You could have smacked me down with a fungi when less than a 5 minutes walk from home right under the M1 flyover , I  found several large rings of St Georges Mushrooms ( Calocybe gambosa). Sneakily below is a picture of the only other St Georges Mushroom I found.

St Georges Mushroom

These mushrooms now appearing close to St Georges Day on April 23 a poetic result from global warming since previously they wouldn’t appear til later in the year late May. So it getting toward the end of the season to find them in pastures , woods and grasslands  people often find them growing in their lawns too. Thrown some of the leftovers away on the lawn.

St Georges Mushrooms

St Georges are one of the most favoured and flavoured foraged fungi.  Lovely wrinkly gills and firm flesh white inside even if they have become buff coloured on the outside. They dry well just as well as I collected  nearly three quarters kilo. But we had plenty for a mid-week dinner.

Especially with pork chops from The Ginger Pig at Greensmiths , so tasty I have turned the fat into pork scratching chunks .

St Georges Mushrooms

This was an adaptation of a Delia Smith recipe , but I reduced the cooking time a lot producing a delicious earthy yet creamy sauce

Pork Chops with Mushrooms

2 pork chops
Salt and Pepper

Mushroom Sauce.

200g of St Georges or cultivated mushrooms
1 clove of garlic
2 banana shallots
1 tbsp of wholegrain mustard
4 tbsp of fresh parsley
4 tbsp of half fat creme fraiche
Salt and Pepper

  1. Notch the chop fat with a knife , season the pork chops well with salt and pepper
  2. Fry the pork chop and shallots until golden on both sides, once cooked wrap the chops in foil and leave to rest
  3. Add the  mushrooms,  wholegrain mustard , parsley , garlic to the pan with the cooked shallots
  4. Cook until the mushrooms have soften add the creme fraich
  5. Season with salt and pepper
  6. Spoon over the pork chops and serve


  1. this looks lovely. I’ve never dared go foraging for mushrooms – always imagine i’ll get the edible and poisonous mixed up with unpleasant results. Maybe I should try it with someone experienced in tow to learn from.

    1. I started foraging for mushrooms when I was a little kid with my dad, it was an advantage to be short and close to the ground. Never been poisoned or even a bit il . Would love to teach people , you can go on foraging days but they get pricey. My top tip is the Forestry Commission they run fungi forays for a couple of quid , tell you what to look out for and what to avoid.

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